Thursday, November 11, 2010

lesson 12

This lesson marked the end of our TWC course.Before I go on to talk about my personal feelings for this course, i will just dwell on one presentation which i found particularly interesting, the presentation on legalizing drugs. It was indeed shocking to find out that drug lords would go to the extent of creating submersibles to evade detection to smuggle their drugs in. Although the group presenting the case was for some drugs to be legalized. I am still unconvinced by their arguments. They have failed to bring up the most crucial reason why drugs have been outlawed in most countries thus far; it's negative consequences to society.The crimes that drug addicts commit coupled with the physical it does to the drug addicts body coupled with the fact that it addiction will probably lower one's productivity ( while burning a hole in one's pocket)are factors that will really hurt society if such drugs are legalized. Hence I feel it would be safer for society to continue to outlaw such harmful drugs.
Overall, I would rate the last lesson an 8/10. Now unto my thoughts for TWC in general :

Of the Modules which I have taken in my first Semester in SMU, this the one I enjoyed the most. TWC, I believe, has brought me up to the state of current affairs ( in terms of technology and trends ) in the world and given me a deep insight of what is likely to be the drivers of change for tomorrow. The articles, discussions and presentations which we had about ICT, bio technology and energy systems in particular, opened my mind to entirely new aspects of these technologies which I never did  hear about before. More importantly, the whole concept of the  frameworks for change, change management and  the innovation process  which we are taught in this module is what is will be crucial to help us one  in making business decisions in the future. While the technologies we have been introduced to will give us areas to explore.As I intend to major in finance, I am genuinely able to appreciate such information. The ability to understand the change going throughout the world, draw out it's implication of such change and at the same time spot revolutionary technologies( and the companies associated with it ) is a skill which is vital for strategic investing. it will allow one to reap tremendous profits by hoping onto the bandwagon early in it's journey.Thus I am thankful that this TWC module has provided me with the basic foundations for my foray into the world of finance.

Signing off now, I hope to eventually revamp this blog during my holidays to create a forum where people can post their thoughts on current affairs through the world and it's implication on society and of course for investors in the long run . A "trend spotting" investing ideas blog I suppose. More details up soon.

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