Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lesson 11

Lesson 11:
This second last TWC lesson featured a wide variety of group presentations which served to further widen my perspective of the world. The first presentation I would list, which I find rather controversial was the presentation on bio weapons. The group introduced us to the possibility of governments engaging in secret projects to develop bio weapons that could target people on race or ethnicity . To be frank, I find it highly unlikely that any government, even the most twisted ones present in our world today would dare try such a stint. The group failed to explore the consequences that would likely follow if any country dared to initiate a biological weapon attack on another country or ethnic group in an attempt to achieve ethnic cleansing. Such an act is firstly bound to be met by international outrage as such an act would be reminiscent to the acts which Germany performed on the Jews in WW2.Dpeending on the severity of the attack, retaliation against the culprit may even include the use of nuclear weapons. This is because bioweapons is considered a Weapon of  Mass destruction ( WMD ) and hence it’s usage may even justify a nuclear retaliation form other nuclear equipped countries .The WMD status of bio weapons alone is what I believe will deter any country form trying to develop it. A s we have seen in the past 10 years, the US has proven itself willing to sanction and even invade countries which are suspected of developing such weapons. HI believe that their group’s vision of bio weapons becoming a norm in the future is very much unrealistic. Apart from the retaliation that a country will face from its usage, any country caught red handed in developing such a weapon is very likely to be face harsh economic sanctions from the rest of the world as we have seen with Iran and Iraq (previously) therefore it is almost a certain no win situation for a country to develop such bio weapons. Furthermore the group did not focus of the ethics behind such a weapon, how would any country’s own civilian population react to leaked information that their government was developing bio weapons? Let alone, race/ ethnic targeting ones. Regardless of how evil their government can be, I believe that the civilian population would find such a revelation very much disturbing and rebuke such projects.Thus a point I wished we could have discussed further in class would be about the ethical issues of bio weapons.

Another Presentation that caught my attention was the Presentation on 3 D technology, mainly ecause it was similar to what our group was planning to share in next week’s lesson. Nevertheless I do share their views that 3 D technology is a technology that can and will impact our lives going into the future.I personally believe that 3D based entertainment will be THE main form of entertainment of the future. Just as coloured TV’s replaced the balck and white TV’s an revolutionized entertainment. 3D technology I believe will take entertainment to a whole new level. It present an entirely new method of immersing the viewer in content by further blurring the lines between the content and reality. In fact it’s ability to replace monitors  for  computers will enhance our virtual world, adding a 3 dimensional perspective to it would taking our virtural experiences to a whole new level. Just imagine being able to navigate through your desktop in 3 transforming it into an essentially “real” workspace., or being able to Skype with your friends in 3D. The potential applications of 3 D technology are limitless and far reaching, offering endless opportunities for the future. This is one avenue of technology all of us should keep our eyes on.
Below is a link to a teaser which gives a glimpse of 3D messaging in the future.
class rating 7/10

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